Shannon Wardroper is a Salt Spring artist who studied textiles and art history at Alberta…

Art in the Snug – Matthew Hildebrandt
Matthew Hildebrandt first began painting with oil paints and oil pastels at the age of fourteen, imitating the works of his heroes, Van Gogh and Cezanne. Over the years he continued to explore many different forms of artistic expression, drawing portraits, writing music and poetry, and dabbling in various folk-art mediums like beading, knitting, and bone and antler carving.
More recently, he has settled back into his early love of oil painting. He is inspired by the inherent beauty in human beings and the human body. His June show at the Salt Spring Gallery featured his newest works highlighting the perfect symbiosis that can exist between people in their natural environment. Nudes in all genders and all sizes set in forests and on the land exude a freeing body positivity that reaches beyond the binary and idealized narratives.
Matthew moved to Salt Spring Island to be closer to the sea and the rain forests where he has always felt at home. His experience in organic small-scale agriculture has led him to great success as the Farm Manager at Hastings House. A selection of his art was featured at Art in the Snug June 12 – June 28, 2024.